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Satoru Shionoya

Wheelin' Ahead!

Wheelin' Ahead!

Wheelin' Ahead!


No. Title Composer Smile
1 What a Wonderful World Douglas - Thiele - Weiss
2 Teen Town Jaco Pastorius
3 Fun Express Satoru Shionoya
4 Mingle Jingle Satoru Shionoya
5 Another Tale of a Star Satoru Shionoya
6 Mr. D. F. Satoru Shionoya
7 Nighthawk Satoru Shionoya
8 la pluie Satoru Shionoya
9 Heat of Mind Satoru Shionoya
10 Mr. D. F. (refrain) Satoru Shionoya
11 Here, There and Everywhere Lennon - McCartney

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